"Hey you! You! Stand up! People are here to see you." The fierce Police officer ordered Deborah and Ruth

They rose from the ground where the lay and struggled towards the door - their stomachs empty and worries encompassing them

"Follow me!" The officer ordered and they followed him

Arriving in a room with heavy lines of irons separating from the middle, they sat down and two men addressed them

"Deborah, we are not knew to the two of you. We are here on behalf of the university management

We are asked to deliver this letter to the two of you. Meanwhile enjoy the rest of your stay" one of the men concluded and then rose up and the two were out of sight

Deborah sluggishly opened the letter as Ruth looked at her in haste

"What is it again Deborah? Please talk to me." Ruth hastened

"We have been suspended from pursuing our degree program with the university" Deborah said calmly as if burying her voice

"What!" Ruth exclaimed. "Suspended, just about rounding up on our program and suspension! Why?" She graped the letter from Ruth and read some few lines

"Your unwelcoming and non constitutional activities in this prestigious university such as religious fanatism, abduction of students into your undue Christian faith and the recent development has left the management with no choice but to call for your suspension. Your parents..." Ruth could not read the line and out of anger smashed the paper on the ground and stood up facing Deborah

"Deborah! Ha ha! That's it. Shababarata kakaribotaria!" she spoke in tongues as her spirit charged with rage against darkness and she continued

"We have lost it all! Elisa is gone, many of the sisters in fellowship are gone! Our academy gone! Now here we are. What more do we have than God?"she pointed at heaven

"It is now time to be mad for Him! It is time for we the remnant to prove that the more tougher it becomes, the tougher we will be for God"

"Deborah rise up! This station won't contain us anymore" she concluded

"Deborah who was sitting down calm listening to Ruth as her own rage Kindled felt a burning sensation ran through her skin and standing up, she held Ruth's hands and they both began to pray violently

From the time of their arrest, the demon lord had gathered the host of heaven and were having a great merriment in hell with the blood and flesh of lost souls

"Eiahahaa! Eiahahah!!! Now that Deborah and Ruth have been arrested, the rest of the daughters of Zion are scattered"

"Now we will deal with them! Hahaha!!" The demon lord laughed

As the party went on in hell, everywhere began to shake violently

"Kpo!" A demon landed in hell and was chained. "Kpo!" Another demon landed in hell and was chained then more and more demons started falling in hell, each chained and gnashing their teeth as the fire of heaven contented with that of hell

The party in hell became a bloody party

The police station was filled with screams as twelve girls started manifesting in their wards as Deborah and Ruth prayed violently

The demons landing in hell were those coming out of the girls as Deborah prayed

Then there was a rushing wind accompanied with darkness and Lucifer landed in hell

"You fools!" He thundered. "You drink to your fill thinking the fight is over. No!!! Daughters of Zion don't easily give up! Now go!!!!!! War!!!!! Until they are frustrated"

Then the demons struggled away as they flew to the earth

That night, Deborah and Ruth, got twelve girls saved. Some were delivered from pornography, lesbianism and other unclean spirits

But the last demon that left one of the girls crawled out to where Vivian was sleeping that night

Then with anger and rage, the demon screamed and entered Vivian

By the time she had woken up, she had a severe sexual desire that filled her head and it made her burn with lust.