Chapter 03: The Blast...

When Gary opened the door, he saw two boys and a girl standing. But he was not shocked to see them, but he was shocked because they were all terrified.

"Who lives here?",Daniel asked quickly.

"This is Judge Harry Wilson's bungalow." The servant replied.

"We want to meet him, hurry up." Daniel said

"What's the matter, why are you guys so scared?" Gary asked.

"This is not the time for such things. Call the judge immediately, his life is in danger." Ella shouted.

"What happened Gary, who's at the door?" From inside, Mr. Harry called out.

"Is this the voice of Judge?", Ella asked quickly.

"Yes",Gary replied.

Daniel and Aaron gave the servant a push and went inside. Mr. Harry was shocked to see this. His hand immediately went into his pocket, the next moment his hand came out and there was a pistol in it, he said in a thunderous voice,

"Warning! Don't try to move forward. Raise your hand."

"OK, we won't come any closer, but please go out and inspect your garden for once. Please just Listen to us.", Aaron insisted.

"I don't understand who you guys are and what you want and why haven't you raised your hand so far?" The Judge said with anger.

"Let's raise our hands. Do good!! do good to someone. Someone has rightly said do good and throw it in the river.",Aaron said jokingly.

"Aaron time is critical !! Don't talk nonsense right now.",Daniel scolded Aaron, then turned to Mr. Harry and said, "Mr. Harry, please put your pistol in your pocket and go out with us."

"I will never go out with you. Infact I will call the police.", The judge said.

"But it will be too late like this!!", Aaron replied.

"No matter what happens, I will call the police and hand you over.", The judge ruled.

"But Mr. Harry your life is in danger!"Ella said after being too much annoyed.

"what...! What did you just said? My life is in danger!!"The judge shouted with fear.

"Yes, "Not only yours, but all your family members life is in danger and now as well as ours, because we have entered this house.", Daniel told him.

"Alright say what you want do want.", Mr. Harry asked. While he said those words he was trembling with fear.

"Let's go out and talk.Get everyone out of the house right away.", Daniel said. All three of them were looking pale at that time and even the judge noticed it.

"Atleast tell me what's the matter." The judge asked impatiently.

"This house will be blown away, dynamite has been planted somewhere in it.", Ella said.

"What...!", Mr Harry shouted with full force. Hearing his voices, other members of the family also came running. The judge ordered everyone to leave the house immediately and then spoke to the three of them,

"You kids should go out of the house as well, I'll wait for my family members to leave."

"We don't have much time left, just leave the things in the house, lives are more important.",Daniel shouted.

"You're right", Mr Harry agreed and then ordered his family members to do as he says.There was a stampede. The judge's wife and two children were seen running outside in a daze.

"Gary you leave the house as well!" Mr Harry forced Gary out.

"But" Gary was confused.

"I'll leave in the end.", Mr Harry said.

As long as they were arguing with each other, his wife and children had gone out. Immediately they all clung to each other, just as they all came out, there was an ear-splitting explosion and they all fell face down. A cloud of dust hid them. The windows and doors of the surrounding buildings shook. The windows began of the buildings then started opening, people stared in horror, then a neighbor called the fire brigade and police. When police and fire fighters arrived, the dust was cleared, the fire had not started and the family was lying unconscious at some distance outside the bungalow. All of them were taken to the hospital. Little did anyone know at the time that there were three children among them who were not members of the judge's household.