The Viscount acted swiftly. Early in the morning the very next day, The viscount had sent a rider carrying a message for his prospective teacher. A moon later Leylin met his tutor.
"Good morning, master Leylin. My name is Veravar " This scholar had the air of someone who had intensively read all the traditional books, and his manner of speaking was also very fitting for his profession.
"Good day, teacher! May I ask how I should address you?" Such refined and courteous actions surprised the scholar. He raised his eyes, and the interest in his pupils grew stronger. Having such an intelligent and gifted child as his student would be an extremely fortunate matter for him.
"You can call me Veravar!" The scholar said as he smiled, "What a polite young mister!"
"Good day, Teacher Veravar!" Leylin saluted once more, but he was secretly doing a thorough check of his tutor's details and background information using the A.I. Chip.
[Scan complete. Name: Veravar. Strength: 0.9, Agility: 1.2, Vitality: 0.3]
"Then, may I ask what you can educate me about?" Leylin dove straight into the main topic.
This attitude startled Veravar. "As the heir of a noble family, there is much knowledge that you will need to master while your command of the spoken word is commendable. You must learn writing and etiquette". Veravar paused, "Your father tells me you enjoy reading a lot," He said. "As such, I specialize in Linguistics, I can teach you that if you are interested, As for the others that follow… My apologies, but that will depend on the Viscount's opinion…".
"Alright then, let's begin!" Leylin nodded.
After all, as part of a noble family, he had to master specialized pleasantries and even certain speech mannerisms, or else he would be treated like an unsophisticated country bumpkin. Although Leylin loathed the idea of formality, he still had to take the initiative to adapt to the laws as he couldn't break them. This was the principle of survival.
"The accurate usage of formalities and the mastery of titles and honorifics at different levels is a complicated subject. Alright, let's begin today's lesson" Veravar sat opposite him and started to write on a large book.
On the top of the sheet, he wrote in a beautiful font.
"So, Master Leylin your father tells me that you know your letters", Veravar stated.
He asked, "Could, you please read what I have written?" a little doubt in his mind. Veravar had chalked up the Viscount's words as a proud father bragging about his son.
"Knowledge is Power", Leylin spoke without breaking a flow.
Veravar was stunned while he could believe it if Leylin had struggled but the fact that he read the words like a practiced adult surprised him. Now, he believed the Viscount's words this kid was a genius. Veravar felt as though the child understood the essence of the words he read but he buried it as paranoia.
This level of teaching was simply considered nothing in Leylin's eyes. He had even specially lowered his speed of learning by a great deal to conceal how exceptional he truly was.
Even so, the abilities that he displayed had earned exceedingly high praise from Veravar. He strongly commended Leylin in front of the Viscount and his wife.
a lot of wrangling with his mother got him the permission he wanted. After enjoying a sumptuous lunch under the maids' care. "Okay, I am going to change right now", Leylin said. He went back to the bedroom and took off his robe. He wore an appropriate suit and stepped out of the room. Leylin took a few guards and left the place with them.
the street, many people were walking around. They were all wearing dull grey linen clothes, and the whole street looked filthy.
Some merchants were selling various things by the streetside, and they were advertising their products with loud voices. There were people selling fruits, wooden toys, and even vegetables. Some women were checking the goods while holding baskets.
Leylin quickly noticed the differences between him and the people walking. His clothes had a different color than anyone else on the street. He was wearing black, and the others were wearing grey.
Leylin talked with the two guards along the way. He noticed that people would salute him every time they saw him, and their faces always showed an expression of fear. He felt like he was a lion walking among a flock of sheep.
"You are still not used to that, Young Master Leylin?" The thinner guard laughed.
From their conversations, Leylin learned the guards' names. The thinner guard was called Carter, and he was an adventurer that lived around here. He was recruited into the army, and he was lucky. Adventurers were pretty much just people with no actual jobs. They were very low in terms of social standing only adventurers who were knights or mages were an exception, and being a guard in the army was like being a policeman in a police station on Earth. His standing became much higher than common people's, and he gained a lot of benefits from his job.
The strong guard was called Miro, and he grew up in the Viscount's territory. Miro was talented, and he was immensely powerful.
They walked the road going northwest from the portside gate. Soon enough the Andburg docks came into view his presence put everybody on edge. Andburg revolved around the docks, It may be the source of the family's prosperity, Andburg as a port was neither small nor large, and the Farlier family maintained a rather laisse fair approach to administering the docks. They turned a blind eye to the scum and villainy as long as the rats kept to the shadows and the coffer remained full. So the docks turned into A den of dirt and depravity and the shadiest part of Andburg. After dark, all one finds here are women of loose morals, hoodlums, and drunk sailors.
His presence in this part of town was unknown to his parents had they known it wouldn't have happened. He made it seem like an impromptu visit but it had been his plan from the beginning. From the beginning, the goal of this visit was to the shop in front of him. Ros's Remedies.
Walking through the black storefront he entered the shop. On the left, was a dark wooden counter that ran along the depth of the room then turned along the breadth it stopped to leave a small opening right in front of a door. The shelves behind the counter were lined with glass jars. They held a menagerie of different herbs and remedies of various hues green, yellow and blue. To his right were rows and rows of drawers with different labels on them at the end of the room was a table. The table was itself weird it had depressions of various sizes. On it was tools unlike any he had seen before.
Just as Leylin was looking around the shop he was surprised by the sudden appearance of a woman. The woman had curly brown hair and was somewhat short. Seeing the guards she spoke warmly, "My name is Angela What can I do for you young master."
He did not know what came over him, he asked, "Is this your shop, madame."
She replied, "it indeed is."
He asked, "Then why is named Ros's Remedies?"
She smirked, "Why not young master."
Leylin decided he had had enough of idle chit-chat.
He made googly eyes as he asked, "madam I have been interested in herbology. Would you be willing to help me study it?"
Stunned by the young noble's request she thought about it for a bit. She felt like a headache was coming. 'This child is weird' she thought. 'shouldn't children want to play knight and fight dragons why is this kid trying to learn herbology.'
She gathered her courage and asked, "Why does young master want to learn Herbology."
Leylin was stunned by this question. He was shocked at the women's courage.
Leylin answered trying to make a childlike expression on his face, "I was reading the story of a knight and a princess on an adventure, and the princess got injured. But the knight found a magical herb that cured the princess and they lived happily ever after. I want to be like the knight so I want to study herbs."
He finally managed to cook up some b*llsh*t and get her to agree to teach him Herbology before leaving the shop. By the time he left the shop the sky was darkening. Now, on to the difficult task of convincing the Viscount of the virtue of learning the non-lordly task of Herbology. He returned to the castle in time for supper. Before, He called it a day he decided to complete the unenviable task of convincing his parents of plans to learn herbology. After a lot of tantrums, screams, emotional blackmail, and a lot of browbeating. Eventually with his grandmother's support managed to get his way. He could finally learn Herbology.