Before leaving the Cuvelon, Leylin had known even if his suspicions were true, this man he was tracking was indeed a magus. He would have to draw the magus out of Fleddorf. Leylin knew there were faster ways of committing suicide than for a pinnacle knight to rush the city of the psalm. He had no concrete plan for achieving this when he left Cuvelon as there were too many variables. He needed a better understanding of the prey before he took action. So, over the past moon he spent in close proximity to Victor, he observed and designed the plan that perfectly catered for him. First, Victor was very cautious, so the plan needed to force him to react rather than act. Two, Victor couldn't be given the luxury of time, or he would find discrepancies in the plan. Three, it had to be as perfect as possible to lull VIctor into a sense of control when he had none. He had known it would be challenging, but things seemed to work out.
The plan had worked flawlessly till now. Locke had acted splendidly according to his instructions. While it was risky to inform Victor that they knew his identity, Leylin was reasonably confident that Victor wouldn't dare to reveal himself in the middle of the city. Moreover, the risk was mainly on Locke's part. So, he was pretty pleased when everything worked out well.
Leylin and Locke camped out of the city as Roran monitored Victor from the ground and Fawkes monitored him from the air. Things continued the same way for three more days, and waiting in a damp cave with just a candle was taxing on Leylin's patience. So he had Roran meet him tonight. The moonless sky looked like a Pitch-Black fabric studded with Diamonds. Leylin was dressed in black from head to toe; his amber eyes seemed to glow in the night. Another figure clad in black signalled Leylin from up the tree, informing him of the arrival of their partner. Roran, likewise dressed in black, greeted, "My Lord."
Leylin spoke, "Roran, I need you to arrange two low-level hedge knights to track Victor. First, make sure they make themselves visible. Two, you must make sure they think you are mysterious and offer to pay them in the form of a knight technique."
He looked at Locke and continued, "Locke, you will go with Roran just like you are dressed right now and intimidate the low-ranking knights, and you are to address Roran as Lord during the mission."
Leylin queried, "When is the next Red Eagle caravan entering the city."
Roran promptly answered, "Day after tomorrow, my lord,"
Leylin asked, "Roran have you bought enough of the guards to ensure the caravan is not checked?"
Roran answered, "We have, my lord, but Locke would have keep his mouth shut."
Locke protested, "Hey, I am not a loudmouth."
Leylin gave them a look that silenced them both. Then, finally, Leylin thought, "I have had enough of this cave."
Leylin paused and spoke, "Locke ride to the caravan and join with them tomorrow night. But, Locke, remember no one must know of your presence."
Leylin then scribbled a note on a piece of paper, dipped a small amount of wax from the candle, and pressed his signet ring against it. He then delivered the message to Locke, telling him that no one but the caravan master would be aware of it. He also gave Locke a single Fawkes feather.
"Young master is this all necessary," Locke asked as Roran scowled at Locke.
"The reason is to encourage our friend to leave the city at the earliest, or we will grow old in this dark and damp cave. You have to go to the city because your presence gives weight to Roran's Fake identity as a mysterious one. We could do away with the smokes and mirrors and directly hire someone for the job, but the plot will come undone if Victor catches them. When you want someone to track someone visibly, you must also plan for the eventuality that they would get caught. So, this is the most optimum way to achieve our goals." Leylin explained.
"So are the instructions clear," Leylin asked. They answered in the affirmative but could see the unwillingness in Locke's eyes. He didn't want to leave Leylin alone. Leylin sighed as he asked them to depart.