Leylin rose from his seat and walked to the window. When he stretched his arm, an exquisite red bird hopped on his arm. He gently stroked the soft feathers peering down the window.
"Enter," Leylin commanded even before they could knock. He had already heard their footsteps when they entered the main hall.
"My Lord, you asked for us," Roran spoke. Locke leaned on the wall while Mercer bristled at Locke's perceived slight.
He sighed, still gazing out of the window.
"Roran, George Borunin is not a priority. I am merely an early-stage grand knight attempting to take on a rank 3 Mystic is overreaching." Leylin paused as he wove a story of lies mixed with fact.
"But my lord, how would we take down the evil mystics? If we don't try to take down the ring leader." Roran questioned.
Leylin sighed, " we won't."
Disallowing roran the chance to interrupt, Leylin continued, " Instead, I want you to expand the intelligence network, especially in the Kislev, Brettonia and mercantile union of the grand rapids. I want to be kept abreast of anything that looks like maegi activity is to be reported to be no matter how trivial it may seem."
Leylin turned and looked Roran in the eye. He had developed a good read of his right hand by now. He could see the discomfort in his eyes. Leylin spoke, "Roran, we are still trying to stop the evil maegi from running amok."
Leylin sighed, "Let me ask you a question. You see a poor child on the street, hungry. What would you do? Would you feed the child or go on a quest to cure world hunger? Surely curing world hunger is the greater task. The question you must ask is whether it is doable. If it is not, then is it not better to save the life you can rather than the life you cannot."
Leylin continued, " We will not win hunting down the ring leader right now, So I feel that gathering information and like-minded allies while keeping our eyes open for evil collaborates is the best option."
He turned his gaze to Locke and Mercer and commented, "We have done quite well. In less than a year, we have rapidly expanded and captured quite a sizable market in the southern region. It is a commendable achievement, but I expect more. I don't care about profits, only about revenue. We have enough capital."
Leylin took out a scroll and handed it to Locke and Mercer. "This is a grand knight scripture for you. Practice and breakthrough to grand knight at the earliest. I also want you to hire at least 20 people and train them to become knights. The 4 most trustworthy of them can be given chapters up to high-grade knights"
"Roran, how are the glasshouses of saffron coming? The first batch of Whisky should also have been brewed right," Leylin asked.
"The glasshouses for both silkworms and saffron have been built according to your specifications. I haven't yet seen the results, but I will inform you immediately as I get the information. As far as Whisky is concerned, my lord, the first batch has been brewed and stored as per your instructions." Roran concluded.
Leylin commented, "Very good I want you to start an auction house and an information exchange In Fleddorf."
Leylin opened an ebony box inlaid with jade and pulled out a vial with a golden liquid. He then commented, "This is called limit breaker serum. It is a serum that helps increase the speed of Knight cultivation. This, along with the art we took from the scum lord, should be good enough"
"It will be done, young master," Roran affirmed.
"Oh, and Roran, I want you to find out everything you can about the spiritual tomb of starry wisdom for me, also, auction off 10 Limit breakers. Only the rest are for Locke and mercer to train up our new guards. " Leylin spoke.
"As you command, my lord." Roran bowed.
"That is all," Leylin concluded.