Love at first Sight

So, I got admission in my own city's medical school.

It was my first day, I was so excited to start a new journey of my life.

There was a huge building of my medical college. I really loved the vibe of the university.

My first class was of Physiology, I went into my lecture hall after few moments my professor came. She was so sweet.

Everyone was introducing themselves to Ma'am Amber.

It's my turn now, she asked about the meaning of my name and about my marks.

After my row, there came a turn of a boy named Sol. His voice was so nurturing that I couldn't resist myself from turning back.

Sol was a 6 feet handsome boy, blue colored eyes, fair complexion, light mustaches were looking amazing on him. His charisma was so powerful that it was pulling me towards him.

We were in same section, so we often saw each other in class or cafeteria.

I had never seen him with any girl. Sol usually never talks to any girl. When a girl named

Mellissa tried to do friendship with him, he refused.

He was very reserved with girls.

Once in our Lab, we were performing a practical and a girl from our class was the model.

He refused to touch the girl because it is against his rules. Our professor tried to explain that in our medical profession there is not any discrimination of a girl or boy but he has his own rules that he would not touch any female model.

Other students used to laugh at his rules and often said that he is still living in Victorian era.

I was so much fascinated with him.

Sol was a son of a farmer. He belonged to a small village.

His family was very conservative. After 2 years of my medical school, He was still very peculiar. He didn't have many friends.

Lucky in a presentation group, He was with me.

But he never raised his eyes and looked at me.

Some class fellows tried to date me but I have had no interest in them.

I was totally blind in the love of Sol, but he didn't even look at me.

He was the most intelligent guy of our university. Every girl wanted to date him, so do I. But he paid no heed towards me.

I was just free from my 2nd professional exams. My parents started preparation for my brother Ansab's wedding.

I invited all my friends to his wedding,

I also sent the invitation to Sol. But I was pretty sure he won't show up.

It's now the day of my brother's wedding ceremony. I was dressed in a beautiful green colored Lehenga, wearing heavy jewelry.

Everyone was praising me.


My eyes were just looking for Sol.

Suddenly one of mine and Sol's mutual friend Ali came to me and said to me

"Meesha, Sol really wanted to come but unfortunately her mother fell ill. So, he didn't make it up to you.

After hearing these word, I felt so unreal and numb. I wanted to ran away. Everything seemed to be so dull.

After few days, my 3rd professional year started, but this time I was not able to focus on my studies.

Not just studies, I didn't want to do anything.

My parents and brother started to worry about me and my health.

My health was declining too.

They even asked me about it. But I had no answer to this.

One day I opened up to my best friend Judy.

I think I am in love with Sol, but Sol didn't even look at my face, I think I would be dead if I didn't get him, I said

Judy said that it is better to share your feelings to Sol.

You are so beautiful, I don't think he will reject you, Judy said.

Now, the problem was that how to propose him.

I devised a plan to propose him.

One day he was sitting in cafeteria, I went near to him. I stood there for a while.

Sol was so much engaged in his phone. I tried to catch his attention.

He saw towards me.

I looked at him and tried to say something with my eyes.

He then asked what's the matter.

I replied actually I forgot to note some points in Physiology. Would you mind to help me? I shall be very thankful to you.

Without saying a single word, he put his hands inside his backpack and took out his notes and handed over to me.

I said that I will return them back to you tomorrow.

When I returned his notes back to him, I put a letter inside his notes.

Next day he didn't show up to university. I was very worried about it.

It's been one week since he didn't come to university. I didn't know what to do.

I gathered some courage and asked his friend Ali why Sol isn't coming to university?

Ali replied "his mother wasn't feeling well for quite some time that is why he took leave."

After 10 days he finally showed up to university, I had an eye contact with him.

He saw towards me very furiously. I was so scared that I didn't even look at him again.

After the class ended, he came to me and said to me very angrily,

"Listen, I want to talk to you I am waiting outside the class come quickly"

Well, I went towards him he was standing right outside the class.

He took the letter out which I wrote to him and said to me,

"Ms. Meesha! So, it's you who wrote this letter to me. Isn't it?

I just lowered my eyes with shame,

Your parents sent you here for study, not for making any kind of love or whatever! Sol said.

He further said

"I am currently focusing on my career; I have no interest in dating or coming in any kind of relationship."

I thought you belonged to a very respected family but look at you. You are so! Anyways leave it, he said.

"I am telling you, I don't beleive in Love or whatever,I won't tolerate any kind of nuisance from now onwards."

He just went away angrily after this....