New Life

It had been 15 years since we were both married. We were living a very happy married life.

We had four children, two boys, and a girl.

Our eldest son is 4-year-old while the last two were twins and both were 2 years old.

Life was looking so beautiful. I and Sol were living our best, raising our kids.

I even left my job to concentrate on our kids. I wanted them to be the best. Only my eldest son was school-going.

In all these years, few unpleasant incidents happened. Sol lost her grandma, and I lost my father too.

After the death of my father, all three brothers of mine were living with my mom in our homeland. My mom was almost 80-year-old. My brothers were taking very good care of her.

I often visit my mom. My kids loved their grandmother, they used to call her Nano.

She also loved my kids very much. We enjoyed it a lot in the family got to gather.

Sol's brother Zayd and her wife Zarish were settled in Scotland, they were living their life.

They often visit us during holidays. All of us were very close.

When I used to look at the past, I felt that I had lived a life full of ups and down.

My life had been a roller-coaster journey, I wanted my kids to know about every hardship that I endured. I want them to live perfect lives.

I would tell them the love of mother and father is eternal.

Your family must be your top priority. I did not want them to repeat any mistakes that I made in my teens.

I wanted to have a friendly relationship with my kids, I wanted them to tell me anything they want to tell me.

I would be clear about the love life of my kids. I would allow them to have a spouse of their own choice.

I wished to tell them that a kid is so precious to their parents. Parents could not live without them. They never think anything bad about their children. Children should respect and love their parents.

Life kept on going and going and now it's been 30 years since our marriage.

Our kids are now all grownups. My eldest son is doing medical, and my twins were doing their A-level.

My daughter is just a younger version of mine.

She was so beautiful, she had beautiful eyes, and a fair complexion, but she was so much humble. She got this trait from Sol definitely.

Our hospital was now very advanced, I and Sol were very busy with our hospital work.

Despite of heavy workload, I did not neglect my children.

We all ate our breakfast and dinner together, there was no excuse for that...