Chapter 13: Khajiit Must Go ELSWEYR From Here!

Well that went better than I had hoped.

I met with Azura and had a really long discussion with her.

She was quite calm throughout the talks, most likely her foresight bullshit at play.

Long story short, I told her and Sheogorath that creating the 4th Moon would not cause any problems and will not interfere with any of the Aedra and Daedric Princes.

I needed Azura's approval first since she would control the orbit the 4th Moon will take as she is the lady of Dusk and Dawn, I don't want to piss her off as she is amongst one of the strongest Daedric Princes.

I told Azura about the Thalmor plot to destroy the World and that I will prevent it as well as restoring the Dunmer and Khajiit to the previous power

I promised that I will allow Dunmer, Nords, Redguard, Orc, Khajiit, Vampire, Werewolf, Falmer, Imperial, Bosmer to occupy the following region of Tamriel once he has conqoured it.

(Image of Tamriel) (this will change in future but at the moment it is what he is telling to Azura he will achieve and do or at least this is his goal.) (If image doesn't load, view on my discord, link at end of chapter.)

Azura had seemed pleased by this as what I said will not affect her or the Dunmer and the Khajiit but instead benefit them.

I made a pact with her that I will not interfere or kill any Dunmer unless they have wronged me first, and only those individuals will pay the price and not the race as a whole.

She agreed and woul altar the Moons for a short while as I desire for brief time periods should I require it in occirdance with my Covenant with her.

I was very lucky that she was very very generous with the terms and conditions in our Covenant, oh yeah Sheogorath was apart of it as well.

He just kinda did whatever and yolo, he was apart of it. Azura and Sheogorath talked privately and the thought of eavesdropping didn't even occur in the slightest, I just asked to be teleported out of there when they were going to talk.

Call me a pussy, but I like living and don't plan on dying anytime soon.


"Do you rally have to go?" Elika replied as she spoke from beneath me looking upwards.

"Yes, I will be back in one year's time." I replied as I was on top of a white horse as I was packing some supplies ready for my journey.

I didn't hear a reply and turned my head to see Elika with her sad expression on her face.

Well I do feel what she is feeling, finding out suddenly you won't be able to interact with one of your friends for a long time.

Let's not mention all the things that can happen such as dying, being robbed and possibly changing as a person completely by the time of said return.

I got off my horse and hugged her.

"Come on now, don't be such a baby, I promise to come back with a pet specially for you along with a for trinkets." I said as I patted her head as i began to a wetness on my chest, she was crying silently.

"*silent sniff* You promise you will be safe?"

"Yes, there are two...very strong...individuals who are looking after me."

That was partially a lie since Sheogorath and Azura could care less if I died, but would want me to live as they would benefit if I were alive. Hermaeous Mora was another who would watch over me, he has been growing more persistent in his efforts to learn my secrets and the knowledge I possess.

I don't think I can hide it from him for much longer, at least he isn't as obsessed like he was for the secrets of the Skaal people.

I'll contact him soon with Sheogorath's protection, at least I won't go mad with his knowledge with what I have planned as long as I have the literal Mad God by my side to help in accordance with the Contract.

"Alright." She muttered quietly before wiping her tears and separating from me.

She had been a good friend and I have grown close to her too, it was nice ti have someone to have.

I want thick headed, since she had obviously shown signs of liking me.

None of that red check, or "cheeks of vermillion" bullcrap, this is reality, you can't see that shit instantly, also its barely noticeable with the pinkish colored skin of Humans.

I didn't try to do the same.since she was still young, when she is older and if I can trust her more by the time of the Dragon Crisis then I'll try to get romantically involved with her.

"I'm going to miss you, take care Siv."

She said as she stood opposite from me, I mounted the stallion that she had helped me to purchase secretly.

She knew where and who to buy horses from because of course, her mother was very influential and as a noble with her family ties, it is natural that she would learn how to pick up on these things.

How she bought a horse in secret is beyond me, but I didn't question it because I could do the same as well, all while fully legal.

I mounted the stallion and bid my farewells before leaving.

I rode out of an unground cave I near the Waterfront that would cross Lake Rumare, and near the White-Rose River directly south of the Waterfront of the Imperial City, that separated the City from the surrounding land.

Passing through the tunnel I made my way at a Ranger's Pace I would ride at a steady pace for 20 minutes and then walk for 10 minutes.

By doing this I would be able to travel for a few days continuously, with only the necessary rest, meals and to water the horse.

The horse wouldn't get tired if this was maintained and would only sleep when I slept or when during meal times.

I travelled South from the Pell's Gate village and past Castle Faregyl and making my way to the border towards the City of Riverhold which is within the borders of Elsweyr.

As I was travelling to the border between of Elsweyr, I had come across a problem.

The checkpoint.

There were two ways of entering Elsweyr available to me at the moment but the second method is not an option.

This was all that I had.

I set up camp slightly North of the checkpoint in the nearby forests until I could think of a solution to my current predicament.

I lit a campfire and was on guard, the smoke will attract many dangerous and unwanted nuisances.

I casted a Alarm detection spell along euth placing many magical destructive Runes of Shock and Frost but Fire...cause well...I'm in a forest...duh.

The Runes will only activate should the Alarm spell detect any being with malicious Intent towards me specifically.

I find take into the account of misunderstandings so I had customised the spell by changing the many conditions it would activate under.

I had carefully created and designed each and every spell I made for all their uses while preparing for unknown and known situations.

Once I was certain I would be safe I went to sleep after making sure my horse nammed Buttstallion wouldn't run away from being spooked.


I awoke after feeling the odd and particular sensation of my detection spells activating, this sensation meant someone of none malicious intent had entered my perimeter.

What I found interesting was the company I could see coming near me.

They were the Infamous Khajiit merchants in the game.

There were 3 different Khajiit Caravans in the game, but most players would be confused and assume they were the same.

Ri'saad's Caravan, Ahkari's Caravan, Ma'dran's Caravan.

The one I see before me is Ri'saad and his group.

Ri'saad's Caravan (Whiterun & Markarth Khajiit Merchants):





This is a great opportunity for me I will not miss nor fail to exploit!

Ri'saad lead the group and approached me.

"Greetings traveler, may this one and his group join you?"

"Of course, come I would enjoy the company." Responding I gestured for them to sit and cleared some space where they can sit.

They smiled with satisfaction and respect since I may have been the rare few who showed respect to Khajiit while within the Empire.

The Khajiit had succeeded from the Empire for its own independence soon after the Oblivion Crisis ended and most Khajiit hate thier allience with the Thalmor.

However, because the Thalmor took credit for the Void Nights, they had with the Aldermeri Dominion yet again, but the Thalmor preach Elven superiority.

"Khajiit is most grateful for this gesture." Ri'saad said.

After they all sat down and set our things down we began the conversation.

"So why have you come this far south? Khajiit going Elsweyr?"

Hahaha, I always wanted to say that, they won't think I'm being disrespectful.

Ahhh, I remeber in the game using Fus Ro Dah on a Khajiit on the Throat of the World while saying "Khajiit must go ELSWEYR!". Good times, good times.

"Strange way you say it, yes. This one is Ri'saad, the others are Khayla, Atahbah and Ma'randru-jo."

Atahbah entered the conversation, "We are returning to our home to resupply on Moon Sugar, ah I can taste it."

"Control yourself Atahbah! You know how low our supplies of the stuff is, maybe as a spice or seasoning for our meals is all we have." Ri'saad scolded the Skooma/Moon Sugar addiction of the group.

For Khajiit Moon Sugar is used in many rituals and as a common thing to consume, they have a high resistance to it as a result unlike the other races.

Moon Sugar is, to them, believed to be the crystallised star light of the Twin Moons.

Skooma was created by the High Elves when they refined it and perfected it into a liquid form.

"So you are going to Elsweyr? May I join you? I needed to go to the capital, Torval." I asked finding this as a great chance to tag along and make it past the border with minimal interrogation and to establish a relationship with the core of the main three Khajiit Caravans in Skyrim during the game's events.

"Sorry young one but we aren't going that far, we are of Anequina (North faction), once we resulted we will return here to Cyrodil." Ma'randru-jo replied.

"He is right, why do you need to go to Torval if I may ask?" Ri'saad said.

"I wish to talk to the Clan Mothers of Anequina (North) and Pellitine (South) about the Void Nights and of things that would concern them regarding Jone (Secunda) and Jode (Masser). It is something that concerns all of Elsweyr and the Khajiit's future. I will be pay you for your guidance and protection to Toravl, 7500 Septims for the trouble, with interest."

All the Khajiit's eyes turned from serious, when I mentioned all the afore mentioned things, to utter greed at the mention of the payment for a simple job for a few weeks journey.

Normally a merchant makes roughly 120 septims in a day on average but due to their being low opportunities to profit from the Great War and its effect on the Empire as of the last few years since their quick recovery, the Khajiit merchant have been struggling with making profit via only by spelling drugs and common items with low monetary value, as a result not much revenue was being generated.

Ri'saad immediately answered as his eyes were wide with greed.

"We accept!"




Not much happened on the rest of the journey. They tried pickpocketing me for the septims I said and i told them I used magic to store it and can only be taken out of said storage space willingly without being forced or cohersed into doing it.

This quenched any idea of them trying to threaten me.

I used Illusion magic to change my appearance to a Khajiit to pass the checkpoint and it worked since they allowed us, more specifically the Khajiit merchants, to pass without even stopping them.

After that we continued and after almost 3 long months we reached Elsweyr's capital city of Torval.

But immediately upon reaching Torval...

"Stop! In the name of the Aldermeri Dominion uour under arrest Falmer!"






• Ri'saad - Male Merchant

• Khayla - sheild and sword female guard

• Atahbah - archer and drug addiction, fence female of Thieves Guild if done questline

• Ma'randru-jo - male elemental mage and assasin contract target


I found a comment online that said Thanos with all infinity stones can beat Miraak, I was literally dying of laughter when I saw this.

Not only that but the guy legit said Miraak doesn't have any power to replicate the infinity stones.

Ohhhhh boi

Not even the ENITIRE DC universe can beat one Miraak and Miraak can solo the entirety of the Marvel Universe including Tribunal and all Celestials. The only being stronger than Miraak is Godhead and One Above All and beings on par with him is the 2 Primordials of Elder Scrolls and all Daedric Princes, 9 Divines and Et'Ada and the Dovahkiin. Vahlok is irrelevant cause Miraak at present day has long since surpassed Vahlok the Jailer in power who had defeated him in his youth.


Ps. Elsweyr political lore

Anequina and Pellitine are the two faction/states that rule Elsweyr based on a waxing and waning cycle of the Twin Moons, this was the best course of action as now the Clan Mothers of each rule on a council and things are quite good for the Khajiit in Elsweyr, this was implimented by a Mane of Elsweyr, however the last Mane of Elsweyr was assassinated by the Thalmor in secret. Anequina (north) is a desertic area where people are mostly nomads when Pellitine (south) is more like a jungle, with cities and more sedentary people.Torval is marked as its capital on the Tamriel political map and says it on wiki. A Mane is a special and rare type of Khajiit born on a Eclipse and is greatly revealed, any other Manes born will pay homage to the main leading Mane. Its complicated.

"It Just works."