Chapter 16: The 4th Moon

NANI?! Knight_Riku07 finally decided to post a Chapter?!

anyways, sorry about delay, i had to deal with an personal issue with the police, i was emotionally devastated by the circumstances, but all is good, since i am back and writing makes me happy.

Also thank u for all ur continued support and for dropping the occasional comment of wanting more chapters.

Makes me happy that my circumstances and delays haven't driven u all away, enjoy the Chapter!


"SHUL KUN WUTH" (Sunlight, Moonlight, Age)

I shouted using the [Moon Shifting] Thu'um I had learned and created in preparation for this day.

There is a clear separation between the Thu'um and Shouts.

The Thu'um is the type of Power being used.

The Shout is the projection of said power using Dovahzul, the Dragon Language, in order to release it.

In other words, the Shout is the spell's name and of it being used, and the Thu'um is the School of Magic, additionally, you could just say that Tonal Manipulation translates into "Thu'um" in Dovahzul.

Many people have gotten confused by it and assumes both are the same when there is a clear distinction.

I had finally decided to contact Hermaeous Mora, it was easy because he was being a really big pervert/stalker all the time.

I just called out his name and he showed himself.

Besides listening to his slow ass monologue of him being smarter than me (haha, doubt that!); it was very easy dealing with him, I just made a deal trading with him many pieces of knowledge about Earth's-Modern-Day-Technology and about Chemicals from Earth along with Biological Life studies, in addition I gave knowledge of minor Physics, Astrology, torture techniques from History, movies and various gaming media related stuff.

I didn't give Hermaeous Mora the knowledge of what I was doing in my laboratory back home, but lied that the knowledge I had given was the one I was working on.

One of the benefits the Grimoire my future self gave me was that it provides minor protections.

Very minor.

I could get away with lying to a God a few times if I phrase it correctly but fortunately Herma Mora was a prideful shit, looking down on me as if I couldn't trick him, a God who transcends my own intellect.

But if I tried lying to Nocturnal, Mephala, Boethia or Azura...yeah, no, I wouldn't even dream about trying it.

Why is it always the females that are scary amongst the Daedra. Even Molag Bal is a pussy cat when faced with Meridia.

With my deal with Herma Mora, I also gained many books and volumes pertaining to the Thu'um, Mysticism and Tonal Manipulation.

I decided that would be all for now and later I will learn the Redguard's unique magic of Sword Singing once I've mastered, or at the very least became reasonably adept in, the Thu'um and Tonal Manipulation.

All this is technically irrelevant since I had the Grimore, but as it turns out, the new books and volumes I obtained from Herma Mora had been absorbed by the Grimore.

Not only that but many previously blank pages began to reveal its contents and as a bonus, many personal notes and alterations made by my future and alternate timeline selves was added while also amending many parts.

Now the previous 10% has gone to 10.00002%

Of course that was just a analogy since how would I know how much % of knowledge there is in the Aurbis (Universe) since Hermaeous Mora had first been created from the leftover Scraps of Creation.

I contacted Mora mainly to get him off my back for a while.

I did ensure to not give anything that Miraak could learn from, most of the knowledge I traded would not help him since it required Earth technology or certain chemicals that don't exist in the TES Universe.

I mean, what is Miraak gonna do with knowing how to operate a computer or how to create a circuit?

Especially with physics equations?

Well he could use some of them, but I was the one that gave them so I would hold the advantage to counter anything he could throw at me should he use my own knowledge in our eventual battle.

I cannot leave things up to chance, in the cut content of the game the original ending was that Miraak was supposed to escape Apocrypha and return to Nirn.

Miraak had finally escaped the control of the Daedric Prince he had made a pact with, that is by far one of the most impressive feats in the TES Universe.

Divayth Fyr can defeat other Daedric Princes...sure, but if he made a contract with a Daedric Prince then Escaping from said Realm belonging to that God would be Impossible, but Miraak achieved it since he has a Dragon's Soul, a miniscule fragment of Akatosh's soul.

No matter how small it is, a Soul of a God is still a Soul of a God.

However, in the current version of the game, that had been removed and Miraak was killed by Hermaeous Mora in his duel with the Last Dragonborn.

I MUST ensure Miraak doesn't escape, no matter what if he does return to Nirn then not even the Last Dragonborn would stand a chance against him, that is how powerful the real Lore version of Miraak is, the game nerfs what he actually is down to the ground hard.

Stopping my thoughts of the First Dragonborn, I placed the Elder Scroll back on my wrist in its bracelet form after I had used it to create the 4th Moon with some of Sheogorath and Azura's help.

I wasn't infusing the Moon with actual power so the two Gods were not actually sacrificing any power in doing so.

If someone like the Dragon Kaalgrontiid tried absorbing the 4th Moon's power like he had tried to do in the past, his efforts would only end in failure since there was no power to gain in the first place.

The 4th Moon acted like Earth's Moon and was taking advantage of the Light reflecting of the Sun, Magnus, and using it in cooperation with Masser and Secunda to transform the Khajiit into what I desired along with a whole host of new benefits for me later down the road.

Before the Thalmor can take credit for the 4th Moon with their lies like they did with the Void Nights, I made haste to the Council of Clan Mothers that represented Elsweyr's two states of Pellitine and Anequina.

They rule based on the Waxing and Waning cycle of the Moons, and as such the government had been the most stable and unified out of all of Tamriel since the Oblivion Crisis which had a great impact on the world.


Making my way to the heart of Elsweyr's capital, Torval, I made sure to use Illusions to conceal my appearance from any Khajiit.

However, if one of the Thalmor was to come across me I am screwed, I knew with an near-absolute certainty that they would see through my illusions, thus I made sure to avoid them as I made my way to the Spire that the Clan Mothers of Elsweyr resided.

Upon reaching the base of the Spire i wad confronted with my first obstacle.

There was just way too much security for me to even get pass without getting caught.

Fortunately, I can use levitation to fly up and over them, allowing me to head straight to a window with all haste as to avoid any mage seeing me.

Practically every person in the world doesn't know Levitation magic or is forbidden from using it cause of the Levitation Act that the Empire passed in the second Era.

Ever since then it had gone into decline thus leading to barely anyone today from knowing about it.

That one random mage the player can find in Skyrim's northern regions tried doing a spell like it cause he wanted to fly.

Well...he certainly experienced the Skyrim's Space Program that's for sure, but he went splat on the ground soon after.

Press F to pay respects.


I made my way out of the office which I had claimed into and proceeded upwards to the Spire's topmost level.

Security and guard patrols were lessened now that I was inside.

I was vigilant against any surprises that can occur.

My newfound paranoia was a result of what I learned from the Grimore my future self had given me.

In it, the Grimore had pages detailing and explaining the power levels of a great many beings as well as what to expect.

Imagine I was a Level 19 but I was in a Level 110 dungeon, that is what my present circumstances are.

I was treading on the Lion's Tail just by being here.

As expected, there was many traps and magical wards of some kind I had no knowledge of.

That did not hinder my plans as I was able to make my way around them since they were mostly meant to alert others to the vicinity upon activation.

Like this I finally made my journey to the top.

I kept my hood on as I knocked on the double doors which depicted the two Moons and the entire Khajiit variations of racial births throughout the Waxing and Waning cycles.

I could hear the guards inside approaching the door as an elderly female voice had instructed them so.

They were obviously suprised someone had came unannounced and past the security of the tower, which is why they hadn't stationed any outside the room.

Opening the door I was greater with a fearsome Khajiit warrior done in menacing Armor.

(Image here)

Holy Shit!

I knew that the Clanmothers would be protected by the best warriors in all of Elsweyr but this is on another level!

I have no doubt that anyone of them could singlehandedly fight a Giant or Mammoth with just their claws and teeth alone and come out on top!

And there's 8 of them in the room!

Is it too late for me to leave?