I did not hear my name 2...

"I did not hear my name!!!"

Those words were not loud but in a gathering such as this, there were significant. Those words effectively meant that Elder Joules had skipped someone.

Everybody turned to the sound of the voice.

To their surprise, a lone figure drew closer, one step at a time. He wore baggy clothes to cover up the forbidden tattoos on his body. His hair was dark and rough, and he even had sleeping bags under his eyes. One look at his face and anyone could tell that he had not slept properly for days.

Yet, his dark eyes gave the impression that they were bottomless in their depth and unfathomable in capability.

As he approached, he pulled along a sword that was at least six feet in length. The sword was black as night and crooked in the most undesirable manner. The edge of the sword seemed to merge with his hand. Like it was an extension of his arm.