Facing the green skinned leopard 3...

The sun had risen high up in the sky. However, the trees of this forest had wide spread out branches with thick bushy leaves that made the people on ground assume the sky was about to rain.

The students moved with speed towards their destination. Brushing past trees like the wind. For many of them, their swords remained traditionally by their sides. However, Chiron had his on his back.

Regardless of the one ton of weight, Chiron moved through the forest with speed. Even though he did not have a Dantain and could not use and focus spirit energy into strengthening his body parts, he still moved with top speed, catching up to the other students that used spirit energy.

In fact, Carla had suggested they stopped half way to replenish their spirit energy, but Chiron just continued onward until he arrived close to the nest of the beast.

Surprisingly, he was the first to arrive.