Led by hunger...

"This is dangerous!" Luna held Duna tightly by the arm.

"If we fail, we will die," Ponzi shook his head, "No! if we fail, we will definitely die."

Zi started to sob lowly, "Do we really have to do this? I rather die by debt than die by that thing."

Carla on the other hand looked at Chiron.

He nodded at her.

Chiron's plan was crazy and dangerous. In fact, if it was another person, this plan might have failed, but Chiron had a few secrets up his sleeves.

Their first target was actually the Giant grey-horned Ape.

This beast was a green cored beast.

Even amongst Green cored beasts, it was considered a lord.

This could be seen in how it had killed the rabid big foot rabbit in one bite.

Rumours even had it that this particular beast was just already half a step into becoming a Blue cored beast.

Naturally, this meant that unless the person was of the copper rank, hunting this beast face to face was the same thing as courting death.