Exotic dish for the Essence Draining Blue Cored Spider...

The scream made Chiron rush over.

However, the spider had not attacked yet.

It just stayed and looked at Zi carefully.

Ponzi and the others sleeping also rushed over, and the moment Ponzi saw the beast, his knees weakened.

He suddenly became blank as a memory of years passed appeared in his head.

It was the day his father was brought back by his party members on a stretcher into the clan.

He remembered that his old man had come back with terrible injuries, but had somehow survived. It was also that day that he no longer saw his mother again.

Afterwards, his father started two obsessions. The first one was alcohol, and the second was about a vile creature.

Even during his healing process, he would make up sketches of the creature that took his wife from him.

Day and night he would read about the creature and its weaknesses while he was accompanied by his bottle of wine.