First Wave of Fate's Knights...

After clearing the entire place of plant life, all he did was wait in hiding for his party members to arrive.

The rest had played like a movie, while Chiron was the director behind the set.

Using the shadow pool, he had Hunter drop a stalk of Snow white tulip flower by Zi's side.

And then he waited for all of them to betray themselves. While he only came out at exactly the last moment, presenting a warm embrace like a descended messiah.

"I thought you were dead!" she cried as she held tightly to him. She really did not know which relief was greater, that Chiron saved her life, or that he did not die.

"How... How did you survive!?"

Chiron smiled a bit, "Have you forgotten elder Joules's quote so soon? 'Danger Sharpens the senses and builds the success of a cultivator'."

Even though that quote was not an obvious answer, it was still okay.

Chiron suddenly heard low sobs from behind him.