Dark Cloud arrives...

The Cloud girl in hiding could not believe what she had just witnessed.

It was not just the fact that Chiron had broken from the hold of a cultivator that was many ranks ahead of him.


It was the ability he used to do it.

This was blood manipulation.

It was an ancient technique that was lost when the blood dragon died a thousand years ago.

the only other person she had seen with this ability was the person she referred to as mother. And from what she could remember, It took thousands of years for her to learn it and bring it to the realm of control she had.

They are a group of dragons who are born as just normal dragons without special abilities. However, when in egg form, they had the ability to generate a specified ability or be marked with an affinity if they were bathed well in it.

One such was the blood dragon. Legend had it that while she was still an egg, nations fought for her. Unfortunately, not one nation got its hands on her egg.