A demon slave comes with problems...

Carla felt pain in every organ. Places on her own body she did not even know she could feel.

It felt like thousands of fire ants had decided to come to peel at her flesh, declaring it their home.

She was being changed at a cellular level.

The devil energy rushed into her. Changing her being.

Of course, most of it went into her heart, as it was the home of corruption.

Soon enough, changes started to happen.

Her skin slowly changed color. It became red like blood.

And then her fingers became black and longer.

Her eyes changed colour and became yellow with her pupils coming to a single slit, much like that of cats.

Her thighs became bigger. Her feet morphed from feet hooves. Her hair became longer. It was so long that it reached her hoove feet.

On her mouth came out fangs which protruded from the upper jaw.

Her back became broader, and Chiron could see a pair of wings there, but they looked far from the length they should be to acquire flight.

The changes were done.