Seeing it through to the end....

Chiron was expecting an attack like the other times. After all, as far as he was concerned, this world was making efforts to reject him.

All the other times, it had always been a close call to taking his life.

However, this time was totally different.

After all, there were many ways to crush a person. Death was just the quickest.

The elder in front of him, was big and burly in size. His elder robe was indecently left open at the top, which revealed his thick chest muscles and chest hair.

Even his forearms and biceps were large. He had a partially bearded face with very thick moustache.

Everything about him gave an intimidating presence.

However, he had a very pale appearance and large black bags were under his eyes.

It was true that he had been working a lot these past few days, but that was not at all the reason for his.

As far back as anyone had ever known him since he became an elder, he had always been like this.