Dangers of the three tests...

The door that appeared took them to a very familiar place. At least it was relatively familiar.

However, the environment looked a bit more crowded with plant life than before.

"Is this..?" Chiron turned to the Old man.

"Yes! this is mount Chikit." He responded.

"How did we get here?" Chiron asked.

The old man gave an elderly smile, "Iat is not a matter of 'how' we got here, but 'why' we are here."

Chiron raised a brow. He really did not like twisty words and parables.

The old man could see from Chiron's expression that he was not enjoying the atmosphere. He coughed awkwardly.

"For you to own the scabbard, you have to pass a series of tests."


"Yes! that is the only way that the scabbard can accept you as its master."

For some reason, hearing this, Chiron could not help but frown. Something to him did not exactly feel right.

However, before he had the pleasure of thinking about it too much, a round iron boulder appeared before him.