Plans for the future...

While Harden pondered on his discoveries, Chiron had been so carried away by his win that he had forgotten that he did not get an alert from the system stating that he had defended against Fate.

After all, with all that had happened, it was so easy to miss.

For other people, it had only been a few minutes or so. But for Chiron, it had been months of training on end.

However, he had indeed left with some gains.

Firstly, the scabbard was now his own. Although, it was definitely better for him to leave it where it was. It might serve him better in the future.

Secondly, his spirit energy had become so strong and so pure that he could feel the possibility of a breakthrough into the middle stages of the copper rank.

This was very good news.

Thirdly, he had just touched Nora's head. Although it was just to keep up the pretense of care, his aura had gone through her body and he was surprised by what he discovered.

Nora was young. But in this world, maturity occurred quite early.