A Gathering of Future Heroes and one Villain 4

Lofty from the Cutlass clan.

Willow from the Saber Clan.

Rattle of the Rapier clan.

Chiron looked at the faces of these three people. He could not believe his very good luck.

After all, he was well aware of the future of these individuals. Even though there were currently from clans in a remote part of the world. Each one of them later grew up to become legendary figures. Each one of them had women singing their praises, and men making monuments out of them.

In Chiron's opinion, Nora should have been added in the list. However she unfortunately met her end rather too early trying to protect the original Mc of the book.

Even Chiron had to admit that the sword clans was a place destined to create great men and women.

Each one of these future heroes had their own personalities, and strong suits that ensured that they reached great lengths in the cultivation world.