The First Match of the last Days...

Even the chiefs watching could not believe what they had just heard.

No matter how anyone was going to look at this, this was indeed a very harsh decision. Firstly, it was general knowledge that Chiron did not have cultivation.

After all, the crystal ball just proved it.

If there was a mistake, he could potentially die.

Chief Dona and some other elders were aware of how hard Chiron had trained his physical body, and that in itself was very impressive. But all that effort regardless of what he had achieved was basically meaningless in the face of the power of a cultivator.

In the beginning, the difference between his strength and that of a wood-ranked cultivator was not very much but no matter what, it was definitely going to be different if he fought with a cultivator at the stone rank.

It was like the sky and the top of a tree.

Just one hit from Jan Jan would blow a normal human being away.

In other words, death was assured.