First taste of the Villain King's Presence and the Twin Sisters...

It was still raining and thunder took hold of the skies with its loud roars, but the moment Chiron's arms fell to the ground, everybody heard it.

The Soldiers of Vendora watched this in obvious surprise.

Chiron's servants were injured but not dead. Emma and Carla had both seen as his hands fell to the ground.

Chiron might have been a despicable person, but right now, their lives were tied to the productivity of his works, and yet, he had taken the bold step to cut off his own hands.

Both Emma and Carla were in pain. However, both of them felt the harsh peng in their hearts when Chiron's hands touched the earth.

Those hands.

Emma could not help but remember.

It was with those hands that he had forged his sword. It was with those hands that he had tore open her father's chest and dug out his heart.