Invading Grey Skins....

"The Horde!?" Commander Hardstone frowned, "Are you sure!?"

"Yes, Commander. There are already pillaging the villages at the border." The soldier reported.

"Shit!" Commander Hardstone cursed, "If it's the Horde, then the border guards won't be enough."

He turned to Chiron, "Forgive me prince Chiron, but we will have to continue our discussion at a later time."

Commander Hardstone waved his hand, and his bronze rank spiritual energy burnt off the coat on him, revealing a metallic military regalia underneath.

It was blue with gold lining that traced the edges.

And then in the center of the regalia was the symbol of Vandora.

It was proud and it reflected the light of the rising sun proudly.

"Take the Tesseract to the ground, and tell the others to meet on the ground."

"Yes sir!" The soldier saluted with his hand making a palm strike for his shoulder.