Tribes of Vandora

Victor looked at Chiron in anger.

He was a cultivator at the first stage of the bronze realm and he truly did not know why he was angry at Chiron that was a cultivator who was several times weaker than him.

In fact, Chiron was practically an ant in his sight.

However, there was something about this ant that just ticked him off.

The higher ones cultivation, the more sensitive they were to their environment, and Chiron some how managed to make his antenna spark in alarm.

He did not even notice that he had slowly allowed his spiritual pressure to leak.

Also, as he looked at Chiron, another thought surfaced in his heart.

If he killed this runt now. It would hurt his father, but that would be the worst of it.

Vandora still needed a king. At worse, he would be punished. But truly, there was no punishment that one could not bare through for the glory of the throne.

His fingers tightened into a fist and the thought slowly became a seed that grew rapidly in his heart.