Fate is doing it again 2....

Dylan admired the big strong cored beasts of all kinds kept here.

There were those that flew. The were those that crawled and even those he had only heard stories of their might.

There were also of different levels of core strength.

If this was in the wild, these cored beasts would not be able to accommodate one another.

However, these ones were tamed well.

His curiosity got the better of him and he attempted touching one of them.

It was a double eagle head Core beast

At first he was careful. But he soon noticed that all the cored beast did was look in his direction for a bit and then it closed it's eyes once more.

This made him brazen and he touched the incredible creature all over.

In this manner, he became more confident and he went around touching more cored beasts.

He was so filled with excitement for coming here.

He was no different from a villager that was used to seeing old buses and now entered a garage full of shining incredible fast cars.