The problems of Treasure Town

"Prince Chiron! Did you bring us here to die?" The elderly man asked with a deep frown on his face.

Captain Timi immediately stood up, "Glover!!! This is not the time and certainly not the place."

This elderly man was called Glover and he was a lieutenant under Timi.

"Captain Timi, what are you saying? You know that I am not the only one that has been thinking it. I am just the person with enough balls to say it. We are mostly recruit trainers and we came out to the battle field with recruits that don't even have up to a months training to fight off an enitire Kingdom that had the balls to Challenge the Vandora kingdom with a armless Prince. Surely, We came here to die. Besides, we did not even receive the blessings from the bear mother before we left. It is the obvious and only conclusion!" As he spoke, spittle flew out of his mouth in all directions.