Living the End of the Story

At night, the citizens of Troy happy they had won a war that they barely fought for years went drunk with wine and were filled their tummies with bread and wheat.

Unknown to them, this great wooden horse that served as a symbol of their opponents defeat, was actually the symbol of their demise.

A symbol that would be talked about for many many generations to come.

For while deep in the night, after their heart felt celebration, the city had become quiet.

Many, drunk and lazy, had slept off on the streets and even the guards of the palace had loosened their guard.

And that was when it happened.

At this time of Chiron's story, everybody in the hall had already been captivated by the story.

Their full attention were on his words.

For some reason, that story had a strong semblance to a situation all of them knew but could not put their fingers on.

Even general Buckle could not help but frown his brows a little tighter.