The Capital City falls by morning

Last night had been a beautiful night of partying.

The entire capital and possibly the country had celebrated the capture of the armless prince.

The king had laughed and even opened his wine house to distribute wine to the people.

Nobles had even traveled from afar to come and celebrate this joyful moment with their king.

However, by the dare of morning, the entire world had flipped over.

Those that slept last night woke up thinking it was still a dream, and those that did not sleep thought that the lack of sleep brought an illusion to their eyes.

Their entire world had truly and totally flipped before their eyes.

And it had happened silently in one night.

Blood from the severed head of nobles, generals and the royal family strolled down the large bold palace walls.

On their faces was the evidence of the unjust they had gone through before their death.

Every member of the royal family was killed. This was from the king to his wives and even children of a very young age.