Desperately in need of a Massacre

She watched attentively. As Chiron made his machinations, she watched him carefully.

This was the Queen of the bonny castle.

The same one that sort to make Chiron the future Lord of Darkness.

She sat on her throne made of alive but yet twisted crying deformities that could no longer be tagged as human beings.

She watched as the blood in the pot took his shape and he operated in silence.

Every move he had made, she had never stopped watching.

This included the time he had offered himself up to general Buckle.

At this point, every move Chiron made, made her marvel.

Behind her, her white haired daughter watched her mother and sighed.

"You are beginning to get addicted to watching him," she whispered.

"I can't help it," her mother chuckled lightly, "he is an interesting fellow this one."

"I think so too! But I still have my doubts. If I didn't help him the last time, this child of evil might have died by now."