The Unfortunate Village 3

There were rumors about the Vandorain people and the god that they worshipped.

The Highlanders spoke of them. There were stories from those that participated in the war effort, going through the village and they told of the god that the Vandorains believed in, giving her people eyes behind their heads.

No matter what it was, no matter the sneak attack, the Vandorain soldiers always saw it coming.

Mani had never believed nor had to believe such rumours.

At least not until this very moment.

The squad leader and his men turned to Mani. They chuckled a bit.

Mani was not aware but what had just happened was the soldiers using the Bear mother's blessing of seeing a few seconds into the future.

This blessing could be activated like a skill, but for the most part, it activated on its own whenever the life of the individual was threatened.