Mani's Origins

Barbara watched him take the cup of tea gently.

Much like a caring, loving wife admiring her husband enjoying her hand work.

At first, he took it slowly.

However, he could not hold back and rushed the entire thing, flushing it into his stomach.

With the kind of battle he had been through, he was very exhausted, hungry and thirsty.

This was also because of the combined aura he used as well as the kind of technique.

It was only by his will power and true rage that he held it for as long as he did.

After the tea, a tray of food had already been presented to him.

Naturally, the call to stuff himself up was overwhelming and he answered it.

It was only at the third serving did he slow down realizing what was happening.

Barbara chuckled a little, "Don't worry, there is no problem. You can take as much time as you want eating. I and my men are here now. The Vandorains are not coming back."

Hearing this, he instantly remembered a very good potion of the things that had happened.