Knight in Shining Armour

The old woman knew that she was at wrong.

She had taken the egg of the blue core mountain lion.

This cored beast was definitely not going have mercy on her of it descovered that she was the one with it's egg.

However, for now, it did not know because it already had prey in it's mouth.

The beast bit off the head of a human that had been unlucky enough to get caught, riping it off like stubborn noodles from a fork.

However, it was not satisfied as it also ripped out his arm.

The unlucky soul did not even have the privilege of crying out in the suffering of it's pain.

It was ripped apart like the mould of blood and flesh that he was.

The old woman saw this.

The horror of such death befalling her flashed in her eyes. Without a doubt, that must have been excruciating to bear.

No! She did not want to feel such pain.

She wanted to escape.

Yes, she had to escape.

Immediately she decided that the best solution was to leave the egg and make on her heels for her life.