Entrance of the 'Hero'

The moment Claudia lifted her head, the first thing she saw was the blue-cored mountain Lion staring her down in the face.

From all the killing the cored beast had been performing, its face was stained with blood, human flesh, and even muscle chunks.

This was a sight that many would never want to see in even dreams. However, this was now the reality that stared her right in the face.

At this moment, a web of different emotions flooded her heart as her mind, frozen with fear was empty of any action that could have been taken in this moment and at this point.

Her pretty lips quivered lightly, and her teeth clashing against each other in quick succession was all the evidence anyone watching needed to know that this girl's mind had given away to the fear of death.

However, Claudia was not the only person to remain frozen in shock. Every other person around was also frozen in shock. No one had expected Ralph to do what he had just done.