Problem Of The Mirror Egg

Barbara entered the battle with incredible ferocity. 

According to what Chiron could see and what the fate system could measure, Barbara was at least the second rank of the Bronze realm. 

However, Chiron could tell that she could display power that was far above her station. After all, he could see the subtle runes hidden on her back. her fiery hair hid it most of the time, but when she was in battle and her aura was flaring about the place, it was usually partially revealed. 

the moment she entered the battle, Chiron took several jumps back, giving her space to do as she willed. naturally, the two Bronze ranked fighters were nothing before her might. Even though they had the numbers advantage, they were still hopeless. 

These people had fought for so long with the blessing of the bear mother that it had literally dulled their senses. After all, the Blessing of the Bear mother allowed them to know what would happen a few seconds ahead.