Green Aura Tribe Members

Barbara acted instantly, her voice ringing out with clear, sharp commands. "Igbi, guard the Priestess! Mani, you're with me!" Without hesitation, a red aura, like a fiery mist, swirled around her, signaling her readiness for battle.

With a powerful stomp, she propelled herself into the air, moving with such speed she was almost a blur. Mid-flight, she disintegrated another massive boulder hurtling towards the building, her energy shattering it into harmless dust.

Mani, spurred into action, activated his own Aura energy and dashed after her. Barbara, a Bronze rank cultivator, was a force to be reckoned with. The energy she wielded was not just powerful – it was awe-inspiring, almost beyond belief.

Landing gracefully amidst the chaos, she took command of the situation. Her orders cut through the confusion, bringing a semblance of order to the frantic cultivators. They quickly formed defensive lines, each group aligning according to their unique Aura energy types.