Prince victor's Ambush

Step by step, Prince Victor and his commanders marched their way up to the temple, killing anyone and everybody in their path. 

Abel, the messenger from the Holy church had already long stated the side that he was going to stand with. It was the side of profit. After all, it was all a dance and he played the drums.

Deaths littered the ground like a the after party of a monkey's feast. 

Victor and his commanders had been very strategic with the attack. In that, they attacked from different sides, ensuring that the highlanders did not so much as call for help from the others on the battlefield.

The priestess had been in her chambers when she suddenly felt something was wrong. If she were to put a finger on it, then it would be that everywhere was just too quiet.

"Fanga! Is that you?" She asked. Fanga was the name of the bronze rank cultivator who had been in charge of protecting her and the temple.