Oh Man Of Little Faith

At the same time, he got an alert from the fate change System.

>>Servant Evolution Complete<<

>>Servant Promoted<<

>> Evolution to Special demon variant: Blood Demon<<

"Hunter!" Chiron called to the side, "Your sister is back, please be a dear and go welcome her!" 

Instantly, hunter moved like a shadow.

This alert had come from the System. But it had all been because of Carla. 

Slowly, the embers of the cores around the blood pool gave the last of their flickering lights. 

And then it all went dead, breaking apart like glass and turning into sand. 

It had been many days since Chiron buried her in this pool of blood. The surface of which had totally dried up. 

Slowly, a crack appeared above it, and then her bloody fingers shot out of it. She rose gently from the dried blood pool, breaking apart the blood meal like wet biscuit.