Dylan's Heart 3

The realization that they were sold out by the people that were supposed to have protected the carriages hit him. 

Dylan wanted to say something but before he could, a slap landed squarely on his face. 

He coughed up some blood. 

The bandit guard had smacked him silly. "You do not say a word, scum!" 

Dylan frowned as he looked at the bandit guard with intense malice. This provoked the bandit guard some more and he smacked him again and again, kicking Dylan in the stomach again and again. 

Dylan spat out some more blood. 

The bandit guard chuckled at the new look on Dylan's face. It was always a delight to him whenever he was able to make the prisoners bend. 

After which he lifted Dylan by the arm, pushing him forward. Dylan staggard a bit. Beast-men were indeed very strong, even without spiritual energy. 

Those kicks felt like he was being hit by a horse.