The Orphange is without protection

Dylan gritted his teeth, willing himself to stay focused despite the growing fatigue. He sensed the woman beside him guiding the flow, her own energy a steady, calming presence. Together, they directed the chaotic currents, slowly stabilizing them and redirecting them back to the boy's core.

Seconds stretched into what felt like hours, but finally, the child's convulsions eased. His body relaxed, the violent shaking subsiding into gentle tremors before stilling altogether. Dylan opened his eyes, meeting the woman's relieved gaze. They had done it.

Breathing heavily, Dylan gently released his hold, the exhaustion hitting him like a tidal wave. He swayed on his feet, barely able to remain upright. The woman quickly steadied him, her gratitude evident even as she focused on the now peaceful child.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "You saved him."