Warning From The Elder

Chiron was sipping his tea when he heard those words and he instantly paused. He took a piercing gaze at Elder Baldie, and for a moment, there was a tense atmosphere in the room. 

"And let me guess, you are here to... WARN me?" Chiron asked with a chilling tone." On saying this, a shadow pool had already appeared behind the Elder, Hunter peeping out from time to time as he paraded the place. 

Elder Baldie turned a bit to the side, taking a look at the core beast. "Trust me, my Prince. I am not your enemy. Your uncle on the other hand, the candidate for the throne by certain tribes, do not believe, regardless of your incredible accomplishments that you should lead the Vandoria empire. And Trust me, I have played this political game long enough to guess what will happen when they don't get their way."