A Chaotic Night.

As the Twin moons contemplated who would be king for the night and who would lie sunder the other, many looked to the sky with their own individual thought. 

After all, this night was going to be one like no other. Many key players were taking to the stage...

Far off in the Chikitsa clan, a figure, the same one that had attempted killing Chiron, had just finished with the last of the malicious spirits.

He sheeted his sword as he bowed to the fading dust of the last one. 

Just then, a scroll shot for him like a meteorite, tracing through the sky like it was a sword ready to stab through the filaments. 

However, the moment it reached above his head, it stopped abruptly, and then it landed gently into his arms. 

The Golden seal of the Pig zodiac family was on it. He bowed to the scroll and then it immediately entered into his head.