Draco Venenum And The Awakened Dantain

Draco Venenum. This was the name of the one disease in the world that could affect the Apex predators of the world. 

It was a disease that Chiron was most aware of, having the ability to make a dragon loose their sense of self. Firstly, it affected their physical form of which they had great pride in. It would shed off their scales, in the process, also draining their overall power and ability. After which it would go for their senses, and then the Dragon would run mad. 

Of course, the Dragon race would not let the disease degrade to such a degree and would take care of it as soon as possible. 

And by taking care of, it simply meant death as the Disease did not have a cure. in fact, even its origins were not known. Only that it was a disease that could affect Dragons. Even the mighty beasts, with their long endearing lives did not know how it came about or its origins.