Threat Of The Turning And The BloodRunes

"...But unfortunately, I can't. after all, these are rune symbols signifying the TURNING!"

Eunid heard those words and his eyes widened in understanding. 

Rune knowledge was one that was compulsory for those of the virtue lineage, and as many others, he had learnt their importance. 

After all, it was the foundation of all things. Of course, no one was as proficient in its usage as a certain group amongst the virtues families made entirely of dwarfs. 

Runes just came almost naturally to dwarfs as they were natural carvers. Runes were the reason that they had the level of technology that they controlled. 

Of course, they were ranks to its proficiency, but without them, it was safe to say that the Holy church would not be behemoth that it was today. After all, the Dwarfs supplied the entire Holy church with the runes that they used.