Heavy Is The Head That Wears The crown

Arid and Eunid took a look at each other one more time, and then they mounted their Scorpions. As they did, seating on the mounted saddle, the guards handed them control of the beasts, Chains, bathed with runes so that the Scorpions could still be controlled was used to make the reins. 

However the double tails of the core beasts scorpions were left free as it was a part of the competition. 

After which each of them was handed a lance. 

When it came to the succession of a virtue family, the matter was treated with incredible significance. After all, one that was not competent could led the family to ruin or even worse, become deadbeat.

Even a dying family such as this one had to be strong and careful in the direction of its future. 

At the same time, a challenge for succession meant that they were those that did not believe that the one to rule was suitable for the position.