The Soul Contract Between Chiron And The God's Heir

The confrontation with Eunid against the soldiers of Arid did not end until a few hours later. Although Eunid withe Nora's help once again, was able to defeat them, he ended up in a very terrible state. 

It was at this point that Alfred, being a loving uncle that he was made the suggestion to mulligan for the heir of the family to be assigned a guardian rune. 

This were very expensive to make, also very delicate to carve, and could release tremendous burst of power that could potentially kill even an army dependent on their power rank and even their nearness to the individual. 

However, It would be carved on the skin of the individual. There were of different types. However, considering what had happened, Alfred suggested that a rune that would activate on impulse of danger be used on Eunid.