The Lunch Proper 2

"...After all, from what I gather she still holds a grudge for what happened ten thousand years ago. Also, I heard that the magicians you so readily took in after the last war with the damn elves managed to finally bit ethe finger that fed them."

"If you have a point, Barak... I suggest you get on with it. I do have matters... To attend to. Besides what me, and MINE do, is entirely my business, I do believe that you do well to note that."

Barak gave a dry chuckle, "all this years and you are still as stubborn as ever. You know, my father warned me about you long time before I took on the reins of power. the never dying seer. One that has lived what... ten.. no, twenty thousand years? Surely you do not expect me to believe that age does not bring wisdom. You know why I have called you here. After all, you do have spies in my lands."