The fourth years

*Morpheus pov*

As I watched Elena talk with Tom through her eyes a bemused chuckle escaped my lips, he was worried. The thought of not knowing what was fully going on in Hogwarts was probably eating up inside. Yes, he has his little spies but, those spies cannot provide him with enough Intel to fully act on.

He was paranoid and I'm sure he would never admit it afraid of Albus. Yes, many would say the old headmaster is past his prime, he doesn't have any fight left. They would be wrong, the man's mind is still intact, his wand still in hand, and his heart burning with passion.

He is a wizard.

Tom wants to figure out the strength of those who will be fighting with him and against him from Hogwarts. We planned to do just that. Tom has been recruiting rapidly, his hands reaching into many different bowls. But, the one bowl he has not fully been able to grasp is Hogwarts. If Albus and I show him the might of the students he will start to wonder if he has enough manpower.

If he could gain victory.

He will make mistakes, he has never coordinated a large group of wizards and creatures. Fractures will form, and with a little of my help, his forces will begin to second-guess Tom as a leader.

It's odd, sometimes in war it is worse to gain troops than to lose them.

As her fireplace lost its burning flame and turned into a smoldering ember, Elena made her way back to the dining hall. If I'm right the fourth-year students are about to duel.

They might win or lose it doesn't matter, showcasing our strength does. In each loss, we show we were close to winning with little preparation. In each win, we show the dominance of Hogwarts with little preparation.

For we are not only trying to make Tom nervous but also the dark families that have yet to be branded. They will see the might of the lighter and neutral houses and even Muggle-born wizards and witches, they will be worried.

'In joining the dark lord are we just signing our own death warrant?'

'Is it wise to go against these houses'

Poisonous thoughts will creep into their minds.

Thoughts we can exploit.

*Narrator pov*

Soon after Morpheus returned from the bathroom Elena walked in. Seeing everyone was there it was agreed the fourth-year students would begin their matches.

Everyone filed out of the hall and made their way to the dueling grounds once more. The professors at their own section, the duelist in another, and the spectators in the stands.

The crowd was now well-fed and ready to roar once more. They awaited the duels to begin, their chatter seemed to make the atmosphere a little less cold.

"FOR THE FOURTH-YEAR STUDENTS WE HAVE AMELIA BONES OF HOGWARTS VERSUS ALEXI POPOV OF DURMSTRANG!" The judge boomed into the mic causing the crowd to erupt in cheers

Amelia strode toward the platform confidently, no fear or anxiety present in her bearing. Alexi made his way to the platform holding his hands up soaking in the attention like a sponge.

On the frosty dueling platform, fourth-year wizards Amelia and Alexi faced each other, wands raised and determination etched on their faces. They both wanted this win.

Amelia started the duel with a well-aimed "Expelliarmus," attempting to disarm Alexi. Quick on his feet, Alexi countered with a "Protego," a shimmering shield deflecting the spell effortlessly.

Undeterred, Amelia swiftly followed up with "Avis," conjuring a flock of birds to create a visual distraction. Seizing the moment, she cast "Incarcerous," summoning ropes to bind Alexi. However, Alexi, with a flick of his wand, transfigured the ropes into a cascade of harmless butterflies.

The dueling platform echoed with incantations as Alexi retaliated with "Petrificus Totalus," aiming to immobilize Amelia. Displaying quick reflexes, she countered with "Repello," shielding herself from the full impact of the spell.

The spell rebounded heading toward Alexi, he expected it and dodged to the left twirling his wand in a deadly dance.

Alexi, showcasing unpredictability, cast "Lupinoverto," turning the earlier butterflies into a singular wolf. In response, she deftly moved her wand casting "Reducto," blasting the wolf into pieces before it could even be used

As the duel intensified, reactions from the crowd echoed around the platform. Gasps and cheers punctuated the air as spells crisscrossed in a mesmerizing display of magical prowess.

Amelia, seizing the offensive, cast "Serpensortia," summoning a snake to distract Alexi. Unfazed, he flicked his wand blasting the snake to the side, it lay unmoving at the edge of the platform.

The duel reached its climax as Amelia cast "Confringo," unleashing a burst of explosive flames. Alexi, panicked jumped back feeling the heat on his skin, "Aguamenti!" he yelled in pain and nervousness conjuring a stream of water to extinguish the flames and creating a wet surface.

Amelia smirked as her wand flicked causing the earlier snake to fly at Alexi who habitually dodged. Right as he did that Amelia backed away leaving the wet surface, one spell and she would be pushed off.

"Fool!" Alexi cursed

"I think you're the fool!" she bit back while pointing her wand at the water, "Verdimillious maximum!" she incanted

A large amount of sparks flew from her wand hitting the wet surface, the water crackled with electricity that traveled toward Alexi.

"What the -" his body seized for a brief moment paralyzed he could only watch helplessly as a stunning spell impacted him in the chest causing him to fly off of the platform

"THE WINNER IS AMELIA BONES FROM HOGWARTS!" the announcer roared followed by the crowd

Amelia stepped off of the platform, her heart beating with excitement as she rejoined her peers.

"You did it!" They congratulated her some bringing her into a hug

The moral of the Hogwarts section did a one-eighty, this was much better than the pep talk they received from the professors.

Albus up in the faculty section smiled at Ivan, "Creative one isn't she," he remarked with a grand-fatherly smile that only seemed to make Ivan madder

Ivan laughed, "Impressive student you have there, though I hope you didn't think he was the best of my Fourth years, there are plenty more matches to go," he awaited Albus's response

"Alexi was rather impressive I wouldn't bring him down so, I look forward to the matches my friend," his compliment didn't seem to help any

Morpheus chuckled off to the side seeing the two headmasters' antics.

Alexi might have wanted to win that duel, but Amelia needed to win.


A/n: Patre on :