
*Narrator pov* 

Morpheus strode silently through the halls of Hogwarts, it was early in the morning the sun peaked over the castle walls. 

He turned into his classroom, it was the same as he left it. Perfectly neat and orderly. A smirk danced on his lips as he looked around thoughts and plans jumping to the front of his mind. 

With the state of England right now Morpheus knew he had a much larger rope. He could get away with so much more now. And teach some really interesting magic. 

"I heard through the grapevine you wouldn't be coming back, I was shocked to see you at the feast Morpheus." Filius's squeaky voice reached Morpheus's ears 

The divination professor whirled around with a wide smile, "Things change my friend. How have you been?" he asked 

Filius grinned, "I'm glad you're staying Morpheus, things have been well. I visited home for a while during the break." 

He was trying to act mysterious, "Glad I'm staying because you want to watch over me? Pry into my past?" Morpheus taunted jokingly 

He laughed a squeaky laugh as if he had taken a breath of helium, "Not at all you know you are the best divination professor Hogwarts has had. A lot better than mine when I went to school." 

It was hard to tell but Morpheus appreciated the compliment more than he let on, "Thank you Filius," he said sincerely, "For the record you can pry, it's fun seeing people look for something they will never find." 

Filius shook his head, "I don't think I will ever understand you." he turned to leave when Morpheus called, "There is only one person who will ever understand me."

"Whose that?" Filius asked spinning around 

Morpheus smirked, "My brother." 

"Oh? You have a brother!" Filius shined learning the new information, "Where is he?" 


But for some reason our pale professor didn't seem as upset at that fact. A glint shone in his eye and a shiver ran down Filius's spine. 


"Good afternoon students, I imagine your other classes have all given you a speech about how these are tough times. I will not make you go through that again. The reality is these are tough times, people are dying and families are being torn apart. I imagine it will get worse before it gets better." Morpheus stood from his desk and stood in front of his class 

Leaning against his table Morpheus spread his hands, "That is life. I know you want to do something, anything to help. You can't not now. What you can do is learn, absorb everything your classes are trying to teach you and excel. Be prepared, that's how you can help." 

Morpheus leaned off his desk and clapped his hands startling the students, "Now let's get into the material, at the end of next week I will be evaluating your skills with your divination art. Today we will be going over Numerology. Numerology is more than simply reading numbers; it is the delicate art practiced by arithomancers aswell. Numbers hold power, that resonates with magic itself. Each number has a unique essence, a vibrational quality that connects it to certain forces in our world. Today, we will explore not just the theory, but the practical use of this art." 

He raised a slender hand, tapping the number "3" on the board. "The number three, as many of you know, is no mere symbol; it represents harmony, balance, and the mystical triad seen in everything from alchemical formulas to wand magic. What do you feel when you see it?" He paused, letting the students' thoughts linger on the number's curves and meaning. "Good things—and powerful things—come in threes."

Morpheus moved on to other key numbers, diving into the symbolism of "7," the number of magical perfection, and "9," which represented the threshold between the mortal and the mystical. He wove stories into each number's meaning, like the tale of a 17th-century seer who discovered her own prophecy hidden within her birthdate's numerical breakdown.

"Numerology, as some might dismissively say, is not mere calculation or superstition. In our world, it is a powerful tool—a lens through which we can see patterns otherwise hidden, predict events, and even safeguard against misfortune. It is important to pay attention to these meanings." 

The student's quills danced furiously on their parchents, "Today, we start with Life Path Numbers," he announced. "Your life path number is calculated from your birthdate and offers insight into your life's overarching purpose. To understand your own life path number, add the digits of your birthdate until you reach a single digit or one of our master numbers—11, 22, or 33. Here's an example."

With a flick of his wand, he wrote on the board:

24 October 1997

2 + 4 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 7 = 33

"The Life Path number here is 33, a master number indicating great potential for those who channel their abilities toward teaching, healing, or guiding others."

He had each student calculate their own life path, moving from desk to desk as they scribbled numbers on their parchment.

As he glanced over the shoulder of one student, he remarked, "Ah, you have an 8. That number is tied to strength, leadership, and ambition. You may find this number reflects your actions in spells and magical duels as well—structured, firm, and power-driven. Recognizing this might inform how you approach your future career choices." Amelia Bones smiled hearing his words 

"Numerology can be used in career guidance within the magical world, identifying paths that align naturally with one's talents. Life Path numbers can also reveal obstacles in our personalities—insights that, when known, help us avoid repeating mistakes."

"For the rest of this class, I want you to calculate the life path of friends, family, whoever you want really. This might seem basic, mundane even but, trust me when I say this learning how to properly use numerology and implementing it into your life will lead to shocking results. With everything you must do this in moderation, do not blindly follow everything. If your life path calculates to a sour result, you are not doomed nor are you cursed." 

The students got to work, Morpheus walking around the room helping where he could. 


With class over Morpheus closed up his classroom and went to the floo planning to avoid dinner in the great hall. Picking up a pinch of powder he disappeared into the flames stepping out into his manor. 

And then he saw himself.

A perfect replica of Morpheus Everglade stood at the threshold of his study, eyes meeting his with the same deep, inscrutable intensity. For a moment, they simply stared, two reflections observing each other in perfect silence. Then Morpheus who stepped out of the floo reached out his hand. 

Manor Morpheus reached out and clasped the clone's hand. The clone's flesh dissolved at the touch, shifting into a stream of dark, shimmering blood that flowed up his arm and merged into his skin. He felt a surge of memories rush through him—moments from the day he'd otherwise missed.

Images unfolded in rapid succession:

He saw himself talking to Filius egging the charms professor on. 

Then, he was back in his classroom, teaching the lesson on numerology, sensing the ripples of realization spreading through his students. A pang of interest struck him as he recalled the earnest questions from a Hufflepuff boy, the one who had stayed behind after class, asking about the potential for numerology in healing magic. Morpheus had given him a gentle, cryptic smile, encouraging his curiosity without giving too much away.

The memories passed, one after another, but with each came an instinctual understanding that they were now his own. The sensation of merging, of unifying these two perspectives, sharpened his focus, as though he were seeing his day from a hundred new angles. 

His creation that took the whole summer and a lot of blood to make was well worth it.