Before the conference

Morpheus smiled as he studied the small silver cube in his right hand it seemed normal almost mundane but, Morpheus knew it was anything but mundane. 

"This should work nicely," Morpheus said with a bright smile as he looked over to Nicolas 

Nicolas grunted, "It better you had me make far too many of them." he said gesturing to the table full of metal cubes stacked upon other 

"Now this." he spoke pulling out a larger cube that pulsed with faint magic, "Is what I call the mother box, it will communicate with the others as you intended." 

Morpheus laughed, "Brilliant!" he placed the box in his hand down and then scooped up the mother box, "Yes yes, this will work nicely." 

Nicolas scoffed, "It bloody well should now, when were you going to tell me your brother is back?" 

Morpheus looked over a bland expression on his face, "I figured you would have put it together." he remarked dryly 

The scowl that formed on Nicolas's face would have quelled even the most confident of men, "That was it huh? All of those lives just so you could bring your brother back to life? You haven't changed one bit!"

Morpheus just shrugged not interested in the moral platitudes, "Why would you ever expect me to change? You know but a fraction of who I am and yet you expected me to change? I have seen the deaths of empires and yet you expect me to care about a few people over my own blood?" he snorted in laughter, "Foolish thinking." 

Nicolas didn't speak for a while he just stared down the man he considered a friend.

Eventually, he laughed weakly, "You're right I shouldn't have expected you to change. It's obvious we are all playing our own games." 

"Exactly!" Morpheus brightened, "If you want me to change just make me play your game." 

It was easier said than done. 

"Now, how is our little business going? I noticed they worked wonderfully during the war." Morpheus asked while rubbing his hands together like a goblin in front of a mound of gold 

Nicolas sighed while rolling his eyes, "Better than expected we have had a rush of new recruits. I have taken implementing a bounty board and trainers that focus on Transfiguration and conjuration in account for our newest enemy. The sage's eye will be bigger than ever." 

"Good." Morpheus muttered, "And the support I provided from the black family?" 

Nicolas now grinned a stark contrast to his expression at the beginning of this meeting, "Oh they have been excellent, our information network is expanding every day. And they have been excellent tutors in assassination and curses." 

Morpheus matched the old alchemist's grin while he stored all of the cubes, "Good," he tossed a box in the air, "Let's get to work." 


"Negotiations?" a middle-aged bald man asked a wide runic tattoo encompassing his smooth dome 

Carter nodded, "Yes sir, it seemed almost human-like." he described his encounter with the angel in detail making sure he left nothing out 

The bald man nodded slowly, "Yes, take a team and find out what their terms of negotiations are. Suggest a team of five negotiators with the influence to make decisions in a neutral location, we want this set up before the conference." 

Carter nodded stiffly, "Yes sir, who should I take with me?" 

"No one that is quick to anger, we need this to go smoothly. Take Henderson as one person you can choose the rest." The man replied calmly while flipping open the tome at his desk 

"Very well, I will report to you when I'm back." Carter said before bowing out of the room 

The man chuckled softly it sounded tiered almost forlorn as he flipped through the pages, "So their back." he muttered as he read the pages slowly 

Each page seemed to leave more details of creatures of so-called myth. 

A deep sigh escaped his mouth as his face fell into his hands, "Fuck." looking up he groaned as he reached the most confusing part of the tome 

"Why." he groaned, "Why don't you make any sense, you say to trust this man but at the same time never trust him at all!? And why author did you write as if he would still be alive." 

'The mad wizard and his brother Herpo the foul are the most knowledgeable of these creatures, if you encounter either of these Brothers prepare yourself for blood, pain and destruction will surely follow. War with these creatures will happen as it always does and when it does you will want them in your corner no matter how detestable their characters.' 

The head of the ICW read the passage over and over again a scowl forming on his lips, "Why do you write one brothers name but leave out the other?! And herpo the foul you might as well be asking me to work with Grindelwald!" 


Carter walked slowly toward where he last met the angel four men behind him as he led them to hopefully where they can formally begin negotiations. 

As the group reached the location the air shifted and a bright light briefly filled the clearing. 

In its wake an angel appeared she seemed impossible perfect, unnaturally so as if her body was made to reflect what their race thought the perfect human was to look like. 

It was unnatural. 

"Good evening, I hope you are here with good news?" she asked briefly eyeing the men behind Carter 

Carter nodded, "We have decided to open negotiations. We have decided to ask for a five person negotian team in a neutral zone. Both parties have to have people with the authority to dictate terms as a whole." 

She seemed far away for a second her lips moving as if in conversation before she snapped her head in Carter's direction, "Very well we agree; the negotiations begin in three days we shall meet here if I understand correctly this is exactly in between our outpost here and one of your own." in a bright flash the Angel disappeared 

Carter bristled at her comment, "Outpost." he mouthed scowling at the word 

The once bustling strip of magic is being called an outpost. 

He turned to his companions, "Well, looks like we will have time before the conference."


Herpo stood before a mirror as he fixed his robes, "Have you prepared for tomorrow?" he asked his deep voice seeming to crawl atop the skin of the people behind him

Lord Mulciber stepped forward, "Yes, by the time tomorrow ends the world will know Voldemort is no more and a new leader is in charge."

Herpo smiled faintly, "Good, now is this robe fitting for a meeting with the minister I hear the fashion trends have changed from my time."

Lord Lestrange nodded slowly, "It is excellent my lord."

Herpo grinned, "Splinded! I wonder if my brother would like it, I should order him one" the robe he wore was normal

But to a man who spent years in purgatory, it was marvelous.