His diagnosis was correct

At the entrance of the University of Finance and Economics,

As soon as Qin Feng stopped, it attracted the attention of countless people.

Immediately afterwards, a girl stepped out of the car, and everyone was breathless for a while, feeling as if their hearts were beating.

"I still have a class in the afternoon, what do you do?"

Liu Yan'er turned around, looked at him and asked.

"I have a classmate who just went to work in a hospital in the capital some time ago. I went to see him."

Qin Feng got out of the car and said with a smile.

"After school in the afternoon, I'll pick you up."

"Classmates? Male classmates and female classmates?"

Liu Yan'er arched her nose when she heard the words, and there was a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Qin Feng immediately felt a faint smell of jealousy when he heard the words, and this little girl began to be jealous.

"Don't worry, there is a man and a woman, young lovers."

The corner of his mouth raised a triumphant arc, and he scraped her white nose vigorously.


Hearing this, Liu Yan'er snorted angrily, turned and entered the school.

Qin Feng watched the back of her leave and walked into the school gate, and then got into the car and left with the roar.

And this sweet scene was inadvertently recorded by a camera in the distance.

Emergency Department of 302 Military Hospital,

The patient girl who passed out in the restaurant just now has been sent to the emergency room for rescue.

It's just that the doctors and nurses in charge of transferring patients were surprised when they saw Fu Yong, the deputy director, get out of the car.

Why is Dean Fu here?

"Dean Fu."

The deputy director of the emergency department said quickly.

"You save people first. The patient's physiological indicators are still stable. Give her a trigeminal reflex, plus an MRI and brain CT, and notify the brain surgery and neurosurgery staff to consult with you in the emergency department."

Fu Yong nodded and directed the rescue first.

After the voice fell, the patient was pushed into the emergency room, all monitoring equipment was plugged in, and then pushed to the examination department.

Immediately afterwards, doctors from various departments rushed over, and before the inspection report came out, they conducted a physical examination and pre-diagnosis on the patient to stabilize the physiological indicators and prevent accidents.

"Neurosurgery, can you talk about it first?"

In the conference room, Liu Jun, deputy director of the emergency department, looked at a male doctor opposite.

Fu Yong was sitting at the side, and the patient had already been handed over to the emergency department, so he was now an observer.

For some reason, Fu Yong had a strange feeling about Qin Feng's judgment.

After all, he has so many years of medical experience. Although he is an expert in cardiac surgery, many diseases are actually interlinked, so he can be said to be quite confident in judging the symptoms of patients with other specialties.

But he couldn't convince himself, he couldn't help but want to believe Qin Feng's diagnosis, but his experience was struggling with his own judgment.

So Fu Yong decided to listen to the opinions of other doctors and wait for the final confirmation of the final examination results!

"Okay, then I'll talk about it first."

The neurosurgery doctor adjusted his glasses when he heard the words, and said with a serious expression,

"According to Dean Fu's knowledge of the scene and examination, the patient ate a large amount of ice cubes knowingly that the tooth was being extracted, which resulted in peripheral facial nerve paralysis on the left side of his face.

As for the fainting situation, because the inspection report has not yet come out, we currently judge that it may be a brain neurological problem caused by the trigeminal nerve. "

"What about brain surgery?"

Deputy Director Liu in the emergency department nodded, looked to the female doctor outside his mind and asked.

"Our opinion is basically the same as Dr. Cui's. It is possible that the severe paralysis of the nerve caused the contracture and blockage of the right brain nerve.

However, this has to wait for the final inspection report to confirm. "

"That... is there such a possibility? Peripheral facial paralysis and fainting are not directly related?

Or other possibilities, such as vertebrobasilar artery problems? "

As soon as the words fell, Fu Yong couldn't help but ask everyone.

"This...the test results have not yet come out, and we are not yet sure whether the patient has other symptoms that caused the fainting.

However, according to the current examination situation, the joint complications caused by the strong stimulation of the trigeminal nerve are greater. "

The brain surgery doctor glanced at Fu Yong beside her, and then she expressed her opinion.

Hearing this, Fu Yong was inexplicably relieved, and the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised, revealing a little pride.

Even the attending physician in their hospital came up with the same result as his own after a detailed examination.

And this is a joint pre-diagnosis!

At least 80% of your own judgment can be guaranteed to be correct!

The patient is basically sure to have facial paralysis caused by damage to the trigeminal nerve, which stimulates the cranial nerve contracture of the right brain and leads to fainting caused by vascular closure.

Thinking of this, Fu Yong relaxed a lot.

I don't know why, but since he met Qin Feng two years ago, it gave him a dazzling feeling.

And after two years, he met Qin Feng again, which made him feel a little oppressed for no reason.

This feeling Fu Yong only appears at the National Expert Symposium Exchange Summit, when he faces top experts in various fields from all over the country and even other countries face to face.

If you have to use one word to describe it, perhaps powerless might be more appropriate.

Although he is also a well-known expert and professor in the field of cardiac surgery in the country, it must be known that experts are also divided into levels and strengths.

Fu Yong is still well-known in China, but in other fields or even in the global medical field, his strength should probably be at the second end, or even the third front echelon.

There is no way, no matter what kind of high-tech occupations are involved, strength always determines the lower limit.

And talent is the upper limit!

After two hours, "Director Liu, the inspection results are out."

The door of the conference room was pushed open, and a young male doctor walked in with some reports.

For a moment, all eyes were on the male doctor.

"Quick, show me the inspection report."

Before Deputy Director Liu got up from the emergency department, Fu Yong stood up first and took the report from him.

The male doctor froze for a moment, but didn't react.

What's the situation?

Why is Dean Fu here?

Is this patient related to Dean Fu?

Fu Yong picked up the CT and MRI images and put them in the light box, and was stunned when he saw the images taken.

Not only him, but also the emergency, neurosurgery, and brain surgery doctors sitting below were also stunned.


Fu Yong couldn't help but froze, and said in a low voice of shock.

The next second he picked up the inspection conclusion, the two clear lines on it made his mouth dry and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

MRI: Intracranial vertebrobasilar artery, space-occupying, oppressed...

Conclusion: Trigeminal neuralgia caused by the vertebrobasilar artery as the responsible blood vessel...

Fu Yong fell silent...

It is really not the common trigeminal neuralgia caused by the compression of the trigeminal nerve by the superior cerebellar artery and the anterior inferior artery.

It's the compression and displacement of the vertebrobasilar artery that Qin Feng thinks is even rarer!

"My God! It's really vertebrobasilar artery compression..."

"This is troublesome, and Dean Fu actually hit the mark!"

"It's amazing!"

Immediately afterwards, several doctors of the joint diagnosis couldn't help but gasped and said in low voices.

On the one hand, it was because the patient's condition was far more serious than they had imagined, and on the other hand, they were surprised by Dean Fu's bold deduction.

It should be known that from the patient's current symptoms, the possibility of vertebrobasilar artery compression is very small.

But now it's really happening!

In other words, the patient's peripheral facial paralysis caused by trigeminal nerve stimulation has little to do with the real cause of the fainting.

However, the situation in front of them is more serious than they expected!

"This guy... It seems that I still underestimate him..."

Fu Yong, who was standing in front, took a deep breath, stared at the place where the artery was occupied with complicated eyes, and sighed in a low voice.

At this time, the process of Qin Feng's physical examination of the patient appeared in front of his eyes. In addition to simple operations, it was multi-site pulse diagnosis.

Qin Feng judged the cause of the disease through pulse diagnosis?

Fu Yong has been engaged in medicine for decades, and he also knows some doctors and experts of traditional Chinese medicine.

He knows that the profundity and mystery of traditional Chinese medicine are far beyond the comparison of modern medicine. After all, the shackles of modern medicine lie in the development of science and technology.

But Chinese medicine is different, it lies in people!

But how old is Qin Feng? ! ! !

He was able to directly diagnose the cause of the disease that needs to be detected by high-precision instruments just by diagnosing the pulse.

It's amazing!

"Dean Fu?"

Just when he was in a trance, Deputy Director Liu of the emergency department called a few times before he came back to his senses.

"Oh, I'm fine."

Fu Yong shook his head, with a wry smile on his face and looked at the crowd,

"Since the test results have come out, you should notify the family members to prepare for the operation."

After speaking, he hurriedly turned and left.

Several people looked at his back, quite puzzled, but now is not the time to think about the leader's thoughts, saving people is the most important thing.

Then start discussing scheduling surgery right away!

The first thing Fu Yong did when he returned to the office was to open the computer's search page and enter two words in the box.

Qin Feng!

This time, he must reveal everything about this guy!

Isn't that the right to general surgery?

If he, the vice president, quits, he must keep Qin Feng!